The “almosts” that haunt us

(part 1)


A year ago, as i was about to take a U-turn at a service road, a bike knocked me into the fast-running highway.

The damage wasn’t extreme. The impact had broken the front and sides of my scooter. In the moment, I couldn’t help but think- what if a car, or a maniac bus driver had run me over? I cannot assume what awaited me that day. A second too soon, a second too late, and I wouldn’t be writing this piece. Perhaps, I was being paranoid. Or, my instincts were right.

Nevertheless, I hadn’t felt more alone my entire life, as i did that afternoon.

One moment i was alive, and the next- I wouldn’t have mattered.

Later on, i asked a few people- how did they feel, when they had a brush off with death? The answers were of elation. gratitude. Newfound-perspective on life. I wanted to sucker punch them. (But not really!)

I felt empty. dark. The hands of oblivion and nothingness choked me slowly, for days. I shut the world out. I shut myself in. Nothing mattered. No one mattered. Neither did I.


Three years ago- one morning, i was in a hurry to get to office (Now that i think of it, I wonder why? I never really much cared for authority figures. Their disappointment in me didn’t pressurize me to do better, or different)

In my over-zealousness to overtake slow paced cars, I hadn’t noticed the reason why there was an almost standstill on the road. A bus had blocked my view to the left, and a police jeep trying to make its way to the other side of the road, knocked me right onto the moving traffic. (again! duh? This is an unbroken pattern of my life)

This time, the speed of the jeep wasn’t really the problem; mine was.

The front and sides of my scooter were totaled (again!). I walked away with minor bruising on my thigh, (As I had my biking gear on) where the bike had fallen on me.

The realization of a probable oblivion didn’t escape my mind.


When I was 19, my family and I were visiting a family member in a different town. My brother was at the steering of our hatchback, with me riding shotgun. Mum was at the center-back, eyeing the road cautiously, as she never trusted his driving skills. ( Almost a decade later, nothing has changed, really. To my great fortune, she gets worse when I drive)

It was a pleasant cloudy afternoon in August. One moment it was breezy and calm, and the next- it was pouring cats and dogs. Where I come from, the summer heat makes you want to kill yourself, but when it rains- it rains heavily. As though the heavens decide to throw rocks over your head.

Quickly, we rolled up our windows. The wipers swung left and right with what can be considered as their best capacity. The heater was on, to clear off the fog forming on the glass.

At a four-way intersection, we slowed down to ride the bump. Just as we were about to cross the intersection, an Indica came out of nowhere and smashed us on the left. By the time I had spotted it, it was too close. Everything that followed, happened in a flash. Instinctively, my brother pulled the handbrake in the hopes to slow down the car. But instead, our car swirled a 180 degrees and landed on the other side of the road.

The Indica, on the other hand was smashed standstill at the center of the intersection. Its engine busted to a pulp. I can’t recall if we were speeding. But considering that we were merely a feet away from the speed bump, I’d hardly doubt that that was the case.

We build upon what we already think we know, which may never really be true.

The Indica had hit our car, inches behind my door. The back door was rammed all the way in. Anyone sitting closer to the backseat window would have been injured. Thankfully, since mum was in the center, she only had minor sprains around her neck, due to the whirlwind spin that the car took.

My brother and I, had bumped our heads against the window at some point, which we didn’t notice until the next day. It was as though we were in a toy car- a kid had picked up, bounced it around wildly and then placed it back on the side of the road.

To this day, I hate to think- what if we were a second too late, and the Indica had hit the side of my seat?


When I was 11, I had fallen out of a moving van. It was after school, when we were returning home from the second pickup, as our van would pick up kids from two different schools. (In the rural towns of India, finding a seat isn’t the concern. Finding an inch to stand in, is.)

I was in the front seat, riding shotgun along with two other kids. (It was one of those hippie vans; a minibus, if you will) I was seated close to the door, sorta half seated-half leaning on the door, to compensate for the fact that two other kids had to sit in the same seat. (Sitting anywhere else was awful compared to this. We had dibs on it, and at any point-any other kid would jump to take the chance to sit in it.)

At a turn heading out of the school campus, the van swerved to the right. Somehow, the door clicked open on its own. Perhaps, the door wasn’t locked properly in the first place; or, the lock was faulty. Either way, there i was- rolling on the half worn concrete road, unable to stop myself from the centrifugal force. I should have cracked a bone from the impact, but all i got were cuts and bruises. (It took almost a month to heal, and I did cry a lot in the initial few days- every time the antiseptic solution touched my skin. Yet, I consider it a win!)


One night, when i was 15 or 16, an overloaded truck carrying timber was attempting to park itself in the empty lot, next to our compound. The lot was considerably large. The road on the other hand, wasn’t. Whether it was terrible driving skills, or just the lack of proper light- the guy knocked down a part of our compound.

This triggered us, and my folks went outside in a flying rage to have a word with the driver.

[Let me give you cultural background in the mean time. This was a rural setting in India(elephants, and what not. Am i right?!). The houses were stretched far apart. But most importantly, we were the only Hindu family in the middle of a Muslim area. (I’m not trying to be a Racist. This had never bothered me on any other occasion, on the exception of a certain communal outburst where our safety was seriously compromised. For all the non-Indians, imagine being the only black family in a white neighborhood; or vice-versa!)

Why does the background matter, you ask? Help is uncertain, or may I dare say-denied, when you are an obvious outsider. Unless you have a good bond with your neighbors, a cry for help is usually ignored.]

While my folks were having a verbal standoff with the obnoxious driver (who refused to take responsibility. What a surprise!) a good 50ft away from the house, I was outside in the sit-out, watching it all unravel. Amidst all this, the cleaner decided to pay me a visit.

It was dark outside. So,until he was at the gate, I didn’t really spot him. Or, he was sneaky to start with. Our sit-out was clad with an iron-grill on all sides. (Mum had originally installed it out of paranoia- considering we were in a Muslim neighborhood. But never had I been more grateful for it.)

Just as the sneaky cleaner entered through the main gate, my instincts kicked in. I jumped to the wide-open iron door on my right, latched it close and hooked the giant lock sitting on the window sill next to me. (I couldn’t spot the keys to the lock in the moment, but he didn’t have to know that it was a ruse)

In a flash, I pulled myself-away from the door, to the center of the room. He inched closer to the bars, but perhaps realized that I had the home field advantage. Trying to sweet talk me to step out and calm my folks down, it seemed as though he was biding his time. I knew his intentions weren’t right. But I couldn’t tell if he wanted to rob the house, or just hurt me. Either way, I didn’t budge. Obvious or not, i was scared shitless- waiting for my parents to return. When they did make their way back into the compound, he snuck out.

The argument was futile. The driver refused to compensate for the damage.

a) probably because his measly paycheck would take a hit.

b) because why should he? He would be gone the next morning. (See what I wrote earlier about outsiders in community neighborhoods? Ultimately, you are on own your own)

c) The justice system in rural areas (or anywhere else in this country) is a goddamn joke. They can’t catch murderers or rapists. What’s the point of suing someone over minor property damages?

Anyways, i never told my folks about what had (almost) happened that night. Why add to their misery?

(to be continued)

Excerpts from a story (You & I)

“I don’t know how to be, or who to be around you anymore”

Our conversations didn’t make sense to me anymore. There used to be a time, when I could see my whole world in your eyes. But now, all I see is how deeply I am lost. It wasn’t that things had changed. No, they didn’t change. I probably never realized the wall that stood between us all this time. A wall made of things that I never told you, of all the feelings I kept bottled inside, of the moments we never shared with each other, of all the time in the world that I didn’t get to spend with you. Nothing new has changed.

Everything is still the same as the way it was before, yet now I feel the drift between us. I feel the burden of my dreams that will never turn into reality.

The dreams of our future, the possibility of a life that we would never get to share with each other; that there will come a day when we will grow old but never together, the adventures that we cannot take, the fights we’d never have; there would be no making-ups, the stories that we wouldn’t get to tell people about each other, about our lives. The children and grandchildren who we’d never get to spoil or dress in blue, green and purple, all your weird festivals we’d never get to celebrate, the places we’d never get to go, or the people we won’t be able to offend with our PDA’s. The houses we’d never get to move into, the rooms we’d never get to decorate and re-decorate, the chances I’d never get to bug you about my complete ignorance of colors and rose-gold paints, because you’d be painting your dream house with someone else. The sunrises and sunsets we’d never watch together, the stars we’d never count, the moving clouds we’d never lazily gaze, the dogs we’d never adopt and name ‘Happy’. The innumerable, yet intense conversations we’d never have, the pointless and endless circles of all the parks and tea shops and lakes that we’ll never make, the absence of silly arguments & ridiculous jokes or the peaceful moments in each others company, the memories we’d never create, the mistakes we’d never get to make;

Probably, because you felt that the greatest and only mistake we could ever make is, Us!

Maybe I realized that the hope and dreams I had, were just castles built in thin air. Sometimes, the image of a certain someone in our mind, feels closer and true than the way they are in real life.

The only hope I have is that in time I would learn to make peace with my shattered dreams. I hope that someday we will be able to pick up the pieces of our memories frozen in time, and smile at it; grateful that we had what we had, even if it was short-lived. And I hope that one day you would understand that ‘we’ would have never been a mistake, and that every little thing that brought a smile to your face was my holy grail.

Maybe, someday you’ll realize that for someone like me, who’s never known a feeling called ‘Home’; You felt like home!

Excerpts from a story untold!

“Why wouldn’t you tell someone, how deeply you feel about them?” I asked him, surprised.

Cupping the warm coffee mug in my palms, I watched him as he took a sip from his cup of steamy tea. Shifting uncomfortably in his chair, he looked out the window for a moment to gather his thoughts.

Love changes people. Here is a person, who used to be the most confident person I ever knew, who’s now second guessing himself.

“It’s not that I don’t want to express my feelings out in the open, even though a part of me is terrified beyond reason.  Some things when said out loud, changes everything.”

“Yes, it would. But that’s the beauty of life, isn’t it? The possibility of a change! Say it, what do you’ve to lose?” I question him passionately. It doesn’t make sense to me, that someone could suppress their love, for the fear of being rejected.

“Everything! We have been friends for a while now and even though I haven’t known her forever, it sure feels that way” He said, smiling like a 15-year old boy in love.

He let out a deep sigh; the weight of his thoughts unraveled into words, “I don’t want to risk our friendship; I don’t want to risk her.” He continued, shaking his head lightly

He seemed like he was troubled by the constant tug of his thoughts, but for a moment, his eyes lit up, and that smitten-teenage-boy smile appeared back on his lips, as though he was reminiscing about her.

“I wish you could see yourself right now. God, you’re hopelessly in love with her; yet, here you are, debating whether or not you’re worthy of her.” I exclaimed with joy.

“We are different people. Yes, I’d do anything to make her smile, to keep her happy. I’d fight the world if it comes to that. But at the end of the day, I don’t belong in her world; she doesn’t feel that way about me.” He explained, although it sounded as if he was trying to convince himself more than me.

“If you’re going to come up with reasons, you better come up with ones that at least make sense. Tell me, what good is it to either of you, if you repress your feelings?” I grilled him.

There are two kinds of people who I know of. One who find love, as an incurable disease. They fall in love according to the whims of the wind. So much, that ‘Being/Falling in love’ could be a hobby. The other kind is the one that questions everything they feel, know and understand about love. They’ve trouble falling in love, but more so, when falling out of it.

Unfortunately, I fall on both ends of the spectrum. So, Lately I’ve decided to stay out of the entire cycle of falling in and out of love. Probably it’s for the best that I couldn’t make sense of it. How does one know what love is, until he’s completely aware of what love isn’t?

“At least, we’ll be friends, if not anything else” He answered solemnly, breaking my thoughts.

“And what good is such friendship? If one suffers withholding his affection towards the other, sinking deep into sorrow, while the other person is unaware, forbidden to witness & share or ease the misery?” I asked him.

He looked away, slipping back into the world outside the glass windows. Reality can be a nightmare when you feel lost.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’ve been at the same cross roads once. I won’t deny the possibility that she may push you away, once you’ve disclosed your feelings. Losing a friend hurts like hell; but you know what’s worse? Considering someone your friend, when they’re clearly not one.” I continued.

It wasn’t new to me, this feeling of rejection. Wearing your heart on the sleeve can open your eyes to new light, but it also meant that you pay the price of heartbreak. But, I’ve learnt it the hard way that you can’t let your past control your future. Maybe Love is a myth; maybe one will never truly understand the depths of it.

Or maybe we’ve got it all wrong. Love opens the doors of your heart for new light to enter. What we ask out of life, is for that door to remain open, for that Love to always stay inside. But, Love knows no boundaries, no limits and no rules. It enters when it pleases, and leaves when its journey is complete.

We are the fools, who’ve been taught that it is here to stay forever. Forever afters’ are overrated; how can you say that Love will last forever, when your own life won’t? All I know is that you’ve to believe that you’re here to make the best of everything. Life is nothing but merely an experience.

“If she really wants you in her life, if you mean something to her, if she knows the value of a relation-any relation, then she wouldn’t let you go. And I don’t mean that she’ll accept you as her partner; but she would surely find a way to keep you around. It may sound corny, but people who’ve known loss are the ones who truly understand life, they’re the ones that matter & are worth keeping around in the long run” I added.

Wait until you fall madly in love with someone, and that’s the person whom you should ruthlessly pursue. Of all the things in life, remember,  love isn’t mediocre. If it doesn’t scare you a little, if you have to convince yourself of being in love, then you are fooling yourself.

Connections aren’t made in the skies; souls don’t find each other in thin air. There’s more, much more at play here. Don’t deny your intuition; don’t fool yourself even if it breaks your heart. If they’re supposed to be in your life, even if for the shortest duration, celebrate it! For if you pursue that love, you may have a shot at a life with them, or else a lifetime of memories.